If you are like me, and are being honest with yourself, then we have to admit that getting recognition feels great, even incredible at times.

So why…. If it feels so good to get recognition, that my natural instinct is to minimize the recognition, especially when I am talking about it with others?

Ever find yourself immediately responding to recognition with…

“It was nothing”

“Anyone could have done it”

“Just doing my job”

“I couldn’t have done it without the team”

“Thanks, but I didn’t get everything I wanted completed”

Or some variation of these…

Next time I challenge you to respond with a simple…

Thank you

I recently received recognition from the Dallas Business Journal for Women in Technology in North Texas. Here is the link to the article  Dallas Business Journal 2018 Women in Technology

Using this opportunity to reflect on my own actions and behaviors, I have identified that I have some work to do.  Here are areas I realize where I could do better receiving recognition.

  1. It was fundamentally hard for me to tell others I was being recognized.
  2. I found it even harder to let others know my manager was traveling in from Atlanta to attend the award presentation.
  3. When I was informed someone wanted to submit my name for consideration, I was told that I was not to decline the opportunity.  Knowing that I would probably try to.

Safe to say more practice is needed when receiving recognition and we can’t practice this by ourselves.  However, if we help each other, we can all get better.

My challenge to you…
  1. Find others and recognize them for things they do. This way you can create opportunities for others to practice.
  2. Encourage those around you to brag and be proud of their accomplishments.
  3. If you observe someone minimizing themselves when receiving recognition. Let them know it is ok for them to shine and embrace the moment.