
Transform Your Inner Critic into Your Biggest Cheerleader

What is the voice inside your head telling you? Is it questioning your every thought and decision?  How powerful is your inner critic? Is it pointing out all of the flaws of your idea and giving you every excuse to why things will not work out?  It may even be questioning if you are worthy, Are you enough? The voice inside our heads, our inner critic, thinks it is protecting us when it fills our thoughts with these questions.  From its point of view, it is making sure we don’t get hurt or experience failure. Instead, for a moment close your eyes.  Think of something you have been wanting to try.  Is it a class you want to take, painting, yoga, presenting a new idea at work, or applying for a new job?  Now imagine that voice, the one that so far has [...]

By |2019-09-22T22:26:52+00:00September 22nd, 2019|Confidence|0 Comments

What to do with feedback and how to keep the fear of judgement from stopping you

Everything seems to be transitioning over to video, so I thought I should join in and create and post a video blog on feedback.  To often we let the fear of feedback keep us from going forward with the things in life that we really want to do.  I was a little this way with creating this video blog.  I have thought about creating a video blog for months.  There is tons of technology available today to use, so I don't have that excuses.  The real reason I have delayed putting together a video blog is the fact that I don't like watching myself on video. How about you?  Can you relate?   So I was letting this keep me from starting.  Then I decided enough excuses and I should just go for it.  How do we get better if we don't [...]

By |2019-07-02T17:06:05+00:00June 26th, 2019|Fear|0 Comments

Transition … Are you moving forward or holding onto the past?

“How can you know what you’re capable of if you don’t embrace the unknown?” – Emeralda Santiago This week we had a big transition in my household.  We took my son off to college, moved him into his dorm, and he started summer school.  Mentally I have known for the last 18 years this was coming, so you would have thought I was ready.  However sometimes thinking you are ready for something and actually being ready are two very different things.  Some things you just have to do, and as much as you want to. you can’t really prepare for them.  You don’t have a choice.  You don’t get to pick the timing.  A transition may happen if you like it or not, so then the only question is how do you deal with it?  What courage do you need to have to [...]

By |2019-06-09T19:06:22+00:00June 9th, 2019|Change|1 Comment

Change … Do you resist even positive changes?

I believe human nature is to naturally resist change and desire stay in our comfort zones.  This is surprising, because sometimes, I notice resistance even when I am trying to make a change.  When I am not paying attention, I may be unconsciously resisting the change I thought I wanted. How about you?  Do you ever feel this way? Change is defined as to make or become different.  There is always some degree of uncertainty when something is going to be different.  So, by definition, change results in uncertainty, which drives discomfort… and nobody likes discomfort.  In fact most people will go to extremes to minimize discomfort for themselves and for others. I recently had an interesting experience.  The day I celebrated working for General Electric for 20 years, my division was sold to ABB.  I woke up early so I could get [...]

By |2018-10-19T00:55:48+00:00September 9th, 2018|Change|0 Comments