
Change … Do you resist even positive changes?

I believe human nature is to naturally resist change and desire stay in our comfort zones.  This is surprising, because sometimes, I notice resistance even when I am trying to make a change.  When I am not paying attention, I may be unconsciously resisting the change I thought I wanted. How about you?  Do you ever feel this way? Change is defined as to make or become different.  There is always some degree of uncertainty when something is going to be different.  So, by definition, change results in uncertainty, which drives discomfort… and nobody likes discomfort.  In fact most people will go to extremes to minimize discomfort for themselves and for others. I recently had an interesting experience.  The day I celebrated working for General Electric for 20 years, my division was sold to ABB.  I woke up early so I could get [...]

By |2018-10-19T00:55:48+00:00September 9th, 2018|Change|0 Comments

The year is almost over

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who will be celebrating Thanksgiving this week.  This is a holiday I truly love.  What is better than taking time to focus on everything we have to be thankful for, spending time with family, and of course eating too much good food. Thanksgiving is also my signal that the year will soon be over.  This makes me quickly start thinking and questioning if I got everything done during year that I intended.  What do you have left to accomplish in 2017? One big item I need to finish for work at the end of every year is submitting a summary of my annual accomplishments along with comments of what has gone well and what could be improved.  The exact due date and format has changed over the years, however completing this is almost a rite of passage to being [...]

By |2019-08-05T21:36:41+00:00November 21st, 2017|Accomplishments|0 Comments

Stepping out with the courage to be seen

Welcome to my new blog, Courage to Be Seen. I’m Sherrie Clark and am the CTO for the Embedded Solutions business unit of General Electric leading a global engineering team, and probably the best part of my job has been the experience I have gotten to help others through coaching and mentoring.  Over the years I have had discussions with several women about their experiences of being in the minority of male dominated fields.  One very common theme keeps appearing in several of the discussions. Women in trying to maximize their success many times unconsciously limit portions of themselves at work.  This results in them not being authentic to themselves which limits their power and happiness, and many times spills over into other parts of their lives.  This was true for myself, until one day when I came to the realization this was [...]

By |2019-08-05T23:46:56+00:00November 5th, 2017|Courage to Be Seen|0 Comments